Is the flashy box gone yet? |
Hi kitties, Traveler here. I'm representing both of us, since Sherlock was too scared to even come out and do this. You'll find out in just a minute why. But I'll give you a hint: it has to do with flashy boxes. Do you want to know what I am really afraid of? I think it's something all cats have in common. I don't really like to say the word, but,... it gives me the chills just to say it you know. The human follows me around every where with it... okay okay, you've probably guessed it by now: The flashy box.
She follows me around every where with it, documenting my every move. A cat could use some privacy around here, you know. But apparently the human doesn't get it. She still will follow me around the house and the flash a bright light and next thing I know my picture was taken. I don't like it, not one bit.
Any way, I'm scared beyond reason. I just don't like it and I do everything to avoid it.
I hope this face is convincing enough, and maybe, just maybe, the human will reconsider using the flashy box on me ever again. Please?
There's always hope for next time. |
Luckily for Sherlock, he was able to avoid the flashy box. But me, well, that's another story. There's always hope for next time, right? I hope so.
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